Deciding on a business name can be a challenge. We wanted a name that had meaning, was unique, and a name that would catch your eye. While our list was dwindling, a life-changing event happened within our church family. Evin, the daughter of a dear friend of mine, was diagnosed with cancer.
Who is Evin? She is a gorgeous, happy, smart, carefree, little 3 year-old girl that was born with Down Syndrome. Before Evin arrived in this world, her parents were told that she would have challenges that may not be compatible with life and/or complications that would require special medical care after delivery. Evin’s parents chose to continue on and Evin had a large community praying over her before she was even born.
Evin was born on March 14th, 2019 and is evincible proof that God is in control and that He has a special plan for her. She was born a healthy blonde-haired little girl that has stolen all of our hearts. None of what was predicted was present other than her Down Syndrome. Because of her Down Syndrome, she has had to undergo therapies to strengthen her muscles to be able to sit up, crawl, and eventually walk. She has also had therapies to learn how to eat and feed herself and learn how to speak. All of these she has mastered, as well as sign language, and she is developing quite the vocabulary. She has proven that she is a fighter and so strong.

Evin is the happiest little girl who always has a smile on her face and has a giggle that will melt your heart. She is smart, has quite the dance moves, and will dance to any music. She will wave at anyone with the biggest smile on her face. Evin just has an uplifting, infectious presence when she is in the room.
On October 27, 2021 Evin was diagnosed with a Wilms Tumor that was attached to her right kidney. She started chemotherapy in November 2021, had surgery to remove the tumor and her right kidney in December 2021, started radiation in January 2022, and will continue on for more chemotherapy. Evin has been in and out of the hospital and through all of this she has maintained her upbeat attitude, infectious smile and personality, and has proven her strength over and over again. She still has that special glow that God has given her.
While we are all praying for her recovery, it made sense to us to name our business after her; someone that has so much meaning to all of us. Evin’s name means young warrior and God is gracious. Her Mom and Dad knew before she was born that she needed to be a fighter, and she is doing just that. Everyone should strive to be like Evin, a stronger fighter with a smile on our face and someone who embraces everyone. Evin is a light to everyone around her and she is our inspiration. Let’s all keep Evin in our prayers.
In honor of Evin, a percentage of our proceeds are donated back to The Down Syndrome Foundation and to Kelker’s Kids Cancer Fund at Billings Clinic.

Sometimes life isn’t fair - like when you’re 2 and you have a giant tumor inside of your tiny body, and you’ve undergone chemo & surgery & radiation & more chemo. But even on those really awful days, we can choose joy & laughter. We can look our pain in the face & dance in spite of it. We can face the future with a fighting spirit. We can love fiercely and with complete abandon. That’s what Evin has taught me.
Anna Rogers
Author and family friend